Introduce your brand, products and vision statement and welcome customers to your store.
Order failed to deliver:
If your order failed to deliver to the address provided we will reach out to you that your order is being returned by the shipping carrier. In order to reship the order, please confirm your address. We will send you an invoice for additional shipping cost.
We do accept returns for items that have not been worn and are in brand new condition. A $5 restock fee will apply per item. Customer is responsible for return postage. Please contact us within 3 business days of marked delivery.
Size Exchange:
We are happy to exchange the product for a different size, only when you have notified us within 3 days after delivery. Item(s) must be returned in brand new condition and in original packaging. A $5 restock fee will apply for each item that is returned. Buyer will also be responsible to cover all shipping cost associated with the exchange.
Order lost in transit:
1. Make sure package is actually lost in transit.
- If you see limited or no entries in the tracking log, the package was most likely lost in transit.
2. Confirm your shipping address.
- If your address is correct and your package hasn't arrived, then we recommend getting in touch with your local post office to see if your order is there. You can also check in with your neighbors to ask if they might have seen your package.
- If your address is incorrect and package is returned to us, please refer to Order Failed to Deliver.
3. If order is proven to be lost and address was correct, we will file a missing package claim with the carrier used.